Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Missed time....

I am back again. I will keep on trying to keep up. Let's catch up. Recently I have had some more time to shoot, more time to practice, and gaining more and more confidence as I go. Here are some that were missed.
and another....
There is still plenty left.... I am just needing to keep up here too! Follow me at Jessica Acevedo Photography on FB on instagram @jessace1029 on twitter @jessacephoto and view my website @jessacephoto.com. Thanks again for following up!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Diana Captures

I think today I will go out and capture what I can with my Diana f. I think I am hooked on the camera. The only thing I don't really like is the pricing for the film! lol. But I love how it truly comes out, you never know what you will really get with the film until you get the negatives back. and that Is the exciting part! Off I go!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012


I've been thinking lately, been wanting to try out some new sessions. Boudoir. indoor, outdoor, something new. I've been researching and trying to find some new techniques. HOpefully If All goes well. I am hosting my first mini boudoir sessions. We shall see the turnout.

Friday, January 20, 2012

I have to make this my goal. Keep it up. Keeping up.

I really need to start keeping up with my blog, and share as I share with the world on what I truly see. I will keep making it my goal, keep pushing out the word. On a side note. I am loving meeting the new people and seeing what they see. as with this I will continue.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Diana F+

I got a Diana F+ camera from the my husband for Xmas. It's getting to be a fun one to get really use to. so far I've used up two rolls of film, and only a few good shots. I will continue to my venture with this and follow up on images. Wish me luck!

Friday, September 2, 2011

It's here!

My husband surprised me this afternoon with the Nikon D5100! super excited this is the beginning to a new start for me!!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Coming Soon

Currently working on Pricing, and coming up on an upgrade on my Camera~ra! I'm excited about this!!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Yay! I did it!

I have come to an agreement with my blogger! I like the way it turned out. Now If I can keep up with it.
I'm a fan of silhouettes, sun rise, sunsets, Black and whites, color, differents, boudoir, of babies, families, I can go on and on. but My point is, It's my style, my taste and I like to be different, this is what makes me have a different eye for things. I like to take different pictures, I have my own style, I always like to change things up and play with different

Which of the photographs is my favorite? The one I’m going to take tomorrow. The truth is you never know which will end up being your favorite. As all will be one capture after another great capture.

Hola All! Here you will find, the latest on My work. Sneak peeks, current happenings, and anything else that pops up. I thank you kindly for your love and support through my process in building my network. Thanks you all once again!